Type alias StructuredSourceStateNodeConfig<TContext, TStateSchema, TEvent>

StructuredSourceStateNodeConfig<TContext, TStateSchema, TEvent>: Pick<StateNodeDefinition<TContext, TStateSchema, TEvent>, "data" | "description" | "entry" | "exit" | "history" | "id" | "initial" | "key" | "meta" | "order" | "tags" | "type" | "invoke"> & {
    stateDefinitions: Readonly<Record<string, StateNodeDefinition<TContext, TStateSchema, TEvent>>>;
    transitions: StructuredTransitionConfig<TContext, TEvent>[];

The input type provided to a state mapper. This type is similar to an XState StateNodeDefinition but removes redundant information and provides data better suited to modification. For example, instead of on and always, we only provide a transitions property, which is always an array of StructuredTransitionConfigs.

Type Parameters

  • TContext

  • TStateSchema extends StateSchema<any>

  • TEvent extends EventObject

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