Interface StructuredTransitionConfig<TContext, TEvent>

A hybrid between an XState TransitionConfig and a TransitionDefinition. TransitionDefinitions are unsuitable for mapping operations because they represent targets (and sources) as StateNodes, which are likely about to be changed. Instead, we ensure targets are represented as state id references and we remove sources, which are obvious from context.

Type Parameters

  • TContext

  • TEvent extends EventObject


  • TransitionConfig<TContext, TEvent>
    • StructuredTransitionConfig


actions: ActionObject<TContext, TEvent>[]

The actions to execute while taking this transition.

cond?: Guard<TContext, TEvent>

The condtion, if any guarding this transition.

description?: string

The description associated with this transition.

event: TEvent["type"]

The type of the event that will trigger this transition.

in?: StateValue

The in-state guard guarding this transition.

internal?: boolean

Is this an internal transition.

meta?: Record<string, any>

The metadata associated with this transition.

target: string[]

The array of target state references (e.g. "#(machine).myState").

targetIds: string[]

The array of target state ids (e.g. "(machine).myState").

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